Family Educational Rights And Privacy Act
(Faculty, Staff & Administrators)

What is FERPA?

FERPA stands for the "Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act" of 1974, as amended. It is commonly known as FERPA, the privacy act, or the Buckley amendment. 这是一项旨在保护教育记录隐私的联邦法律, 确立学生查阅学习记录的权利, 并通过非正式和正式听证会为纠正不准确和误导性数据提供指导.

FERPA allows the release of specified items but does not require it. Items that may be released are called directory information. 十大网赌正规网址官网区将这些项目归类为目录信息:学生姓名, dates of attendance, 主要的, classification, enrollment status (full-time or part-time), previous institution(s) attended, degree(s) awarded, academic honors/awards.

学生可以通过填写“Withholding of Information Form" and turning it into the Office of Records and Registration at St. Philip's College, Welcome Center (WEC), Room 203. 在此信息输入系统后,学生的信息将被封锁. Student information may not be released without a signed "FERPA Consent Form" from the student.

永远不能被识别为目录信息的项目是学生的社会安全号码或机构识别号码, address, telephone number, date of birth, race/ethnicity, citizenship, nationality, 性别, 成绩, grade point average, or class schedule.

What is a student's educational record?

A student educational record is any record with certain exceptions, 由一个或多个学生直接相关的机构维护的. This record can contain a student’s name, or students’ name, or information from which an individual student, can be personally (individually) identified. These records include files, documents, and materials in whatever medium (handwriting, 打印, monitor screen, 磁带, 磁盘, 电影, micro电影, microfiche, (或笔记)包含与学生直接相关的信息,并且可以从中识别学生的个人身份.

If ever in doubt whether information may be released, don’t. Please call one of the directors in admissions and records. 他们将帮助您确定信息是否是教育记录和/或是否可以在未经书面同意的情况下披露. To be safe, always think of written consent.

What is a legitimate educational interest?


This means if a student is assigned to you for advising, 你有合法的教育兴趣,可以查阅他/她的记录. 如果一个好朋友让你告诉他他女儿的成绩,千万别告诉他. This has two problems. 首先,除非这个学生是你的顾问,否则你没有合法的教育利益. 第二个, 如果父母没有向招生和记录办公室提交抚养证明表格, the parent is not entitled to this information.

Posting of 成绩 by faculty

The public posting of 成绩 either by the student’s name, institutional student identification number, social security number, 或未经学生书面许可的数字的任何部分都是违规的 FERPA. 这包括在班级/院校网站张贴成绩,并适用于任何公开张贴选修远程教育课程学生的成绩. Even with names obscured, 数字学生标识符被视为个人身份信息. The practice of posting 成绩 by social security number, student identification number, or any portion of the number violates FERPA. Notification of 成绩 via a postcard violates a student’s privacy.

十大网赌正规网址官网区系统之外,不能保证通过互联网秘密发送成绩. 如果未经授权的第三方进入,该机构将承担责任, in any manner, 通过任何电子传输方式传送学生的教育记录. A third party in this definition could be parents or guardians, boyfriend or girlfriend, roommate, 等. Only secure websites are approved by FERPA for accessing grade information.

Penalties for violating FERPA

家庭政策合规办公室审查和调查违反 FERPA. The penalty for violating FERPA is the loss of all federal funding, including grants and financial aid.

Special “” for faculty

To avoid violations of FERPA rules, do not:

  • At any time use the social security number, institutional identification number, or any portion of the number of a student in a public posting of 成绩
  • 把一个学生的名字和那个学生的社会保险号联系起来, institutional identification number in any public manner
  • 把评分的试卷或试卷放在一堆里,让学生通过整理所有学生的试卷或试卷来挑选
  • 分发印有学生姓名和社会安全号码/机构识别号码或年级的班级名单作为出勤名册.
  • 未经学生同意,不得与学生以外的任何人(包括家长/监护人)讨论学生的学习进度
  • 为任何商业目的,向任何人提供在你的班级注册的学生名单
  • 向任何人提供学生时间表或协助大学员工以外的任何人在校园内寻找学生