


找到你的目标,在我们的五所学院之一开始你的旅程, an exciting and innovative approach that saves you time and money by guiding you to take only the courses you need to graduate and transfer. 雷士的学院模式强调体验式学习, 获得适合市场的技能, 以及通往成功的清晰道路. 每个学院由教师组成, 工作人员, 以及致力于帮助你发挥潜能和实现目标的顾问. 点击下面了解更多关于我们学院的信息.

业务 & 创业学院

业务 & 创业学院

商学院学生你曾经梦想过成为一名企业经理或拥有自己的企业吗? 在西北维斯塔学院, 商业与创业学院为你的未来做好准备, 给你一个愿景, 知识, 以及能够改变世界的适销对路的技能. 我们结合了高质量的内容, 参与教师, and a welcoming atmosphere to create an unmatched pre-business field of study to solve real-world business problems.

Our faculty members will introduce you to successful business leaders and prospective employers and help you develop your own entrepreneurial ideas. 加入我们,帮助塑造您作为审计师的职业生涯, 经济学家, 税务检查, 会计, 财务顾问, 销售人员, 客户服务代表, 或者企业主. 无论你是想完成一个副学士学位还是一个有市场的证书, the NVC 业务 and 创业学院 will increase your value in the business world or help you transfer to a four-year college or university.

The 业务 and 创业学院 at 西北维斯塔学院 includes the academic disciplines of:


有创意的 & 传播艺术学院

有创意的 & 传播艺术学院


In the 有创意的 and 传播艺术学院 you can study to enter into a wide-range of careers including, 但不限于, 视觉及表演艺术, 创意写作, 哲学, 新闻, 历史, 墨西哥裔美国人研究, 语言翻译, 社交媒体和网络开发, 电子商务, 三维动画, 游戏设计, 教育, 公共关系, 项目管理, 以及企业培训.

学生将学习计算机技能和涉及逻辑的特定批判性思维技能, 修辞(说服的艺术), 以及理解社会生活的解释性框架. Join us to learn a new language or to sharpen your writing and 公众演讲 skills so that you will communicate clearly and convincingly. 这些技能将有助于你当前或未来的职业选择, increasing your opportunity for promotion and career flexibility for the 21st century economy.

The 有创意的 and 传播艺术学院 at 西北维斯塔学院 includes the academic disciplines of:


健康 & 生物科学研究所

健康 & 生物科学研究所


在健康与生物科学学院,你可以学习成为一名护士, 物理治疗师, 运动生理学家, 制药技术, 社区卫生工作者, 私人教练, 临床研究专员, 运动心理学家, 教练, 运动医学, 职业治疗师, 以及许多其他与健康和生物学相关的职业.

You can receive a solid foundation and hands on training to set you on your path for your chosen career or future studies in a bachelor’s degree program. 无论你选择哪条路, 无论是职业道路还是学术道路, 你所修的课程将教会你宝贵的技能, 比如批判性思维能力, 团队合作, 沟通, 公众演讲, 研究技能.

The 健康 and 生物科学研究所 at 西北维斯塔学院 includes the academic disciplines of:





The Institute of Public Service at 西北维斯塔学院 prepares students for careers in sociology, 刑事司法, 教育, 政府, 非营利组织. Students will also have the opportunity to take Mexican American 政府 or a course that emphasizes peace and conflict studies. 当你在公共服务学院学习时, 你将有机会更好地了解社会和文化, 个人和群体如何影响社会关系, 以及你如何在社区中做出积极的改变. 一路走来, 你会发展出适合市场的技能,比如更好的写作和口头表达能力, 逻辑和定量推理, 以及如何在团队中工作.



科学 & 技术研究所

科学 & 技术研究所


在西北维斯塔学院的科学技术研究所(STI), 你将学习科学的方法. 因为它是公正的, 科学的方法是检验自然世界最真实的方法. 所有其他的调查方法,如逻辑或权威,本质上是有偏见的. Having the ability to use unbiased instruments of inquiry is especially important for navigating today’s complex cultures and careers. The courses within the STI allow you to become experts in the scientific method within virtual, 物理, 生物, 心理, 或者社会学领域. STI courses systematically provide opportunities for you to conduct scientific research and the ability to present your research at local, 国家, 以及国际专业会议.

There are many benefits for STI students: You will be more likely to graduate from 西北维斯塔学院 with an Associate of 科学 (AS) degree; you will benefit from direct STI transfer agreements to universities; you will be trained in ethics; you will be trained in statistical analyses; you will have opportunities to be members of professional research organizations and present at professional research conferences; you will be exposed to a variety of opportunities for obtaining research awards and fellowships; and you will have ample opportunities to establish a network of professional contacts. 另外, you and your STI peers will have the 知识 of being a significant part of the scientific process that answered critical questions within the research literature; you will become true critical thinkers; you will have significant increases in self-esteem and understandings of your own self-concepts; and, 也许最重要的是, 你会知道真相不是由谁喊得最响来定义的, 或者谁是权威, 或者某人名字后面的首字母.

The 科学 and 技术研究所 (STI) at 西北维斯塔学院 includes the academic disciplines of:




这些项目中有一个或多个获得批准 准备工作 项目. Find out if you’re eligible to receive free tuition and job placement services that will enable you to secure an in-demand career.

CHW认证和AAS在社区卫生是由准备工作批准. Academic credit courses and accelerated 继续教育 (CE) course leading to certification and AAS are available.

有兴趣资助其CHW教育的学术学生请联系 桑德拉·洛佩兹,学生成功协调员.

电子邮件: slopez92@masmke.com

电话: 210-485-0302

Don’t wait; apply today!



The 十大网赌正规网址官网区 is a proud partner of the City of 圣安东尼奥’s 准备工作 Program.