Distance Learning

帕洛阿尔托学院提供各种在线学术课程和课程,以方便地访问一流的教师和高质量的学者, flexible format offered entirely online. Throughout the courses, 学生将使用交互式视频会议和视频流与同学和教师互动. Orientations, websites, and access to Canvas are available via ACES

在注册在线课程或攻读在线课程之前,学生应该与一名教师见面 academic advisor

Online Course Access and Notifications

Course Log In

To access your online course(s):

  1. Log in to ACES.
  2. Click on the "My Courses" tab and choose the current semester.
  3. Click on the class link. 该链接将引导到教师发布的课程信息或进入课程的Canvas介绍页面.

Set Up Your Canvas Notification Preferences

Canvas can reach out to you in a variety of ways about updates to your online course. From within Canvas, you can choose how (and how often) you want to be notified of updates in your course. These updates can be a new message from your instructor or classmates, an announcement, a posted grade or feedback, changes to the course content, and much, much more. To learn more about setting up your notification preferences in Canvas, view this Canvas Guide.


Online Programs

Associate of Arts
Licensing Disclosures

帕洛阿尔托学院提供的课程旨在为学生准备专业执照,以满足德克萨斯州制定的执照/认证要求. 每个州的执照委员会决定该州对执照或认证的要求, which change over time and may be different from the state requirements in Texas. 强烈建议打算在德克萨斯州以外的州工作的学生咨询该州的职业许可委员会. 州委员会将决定他们是否有资格参加该州该专业的执照考试.

For each Palo Alto College program that prepares students for professional licensure, 任何想要获得有关执照的额外信息或建议的学生都可以获得该计划的领导.

PAC Licensure Programs and Contact Information:

有关专业执照披露的联邦法规的更多信息,请访问 34 CFR 668.43(a)(5)(v).


Grievance procedures

Out-of-State Student Grievances PAC Student Grievances

Learning Resources for Distance Learning Students

Orientation to Online Learning Course (OLRN)

在线课程提供了参加课程的便利性和灵活性,没有正式的时间表或地点. However, online courses require a unique set of skills. Before you enroll, you should feel confident that your study habits, time management, computer skills, and independent motivation match what’s required in the online learning environment.

If you are new to online courses, PAC recommends that you enroll in the *free* Orientation to Online Learning, OLRN or “O-Learn,” mini-course. OLRN is free and takes about 2-hours to complete. It prepares you to be a more successful online student. Your advisor can assist with OLRN registration.

Some online instructors at PAC may require OLRN; this information is available in the course catalogue.

Academic Learning Studio
*Until further notice, 学术学习工作室目前在PAC IT服务帮助台下工作,帮助学生进行远程IT服务和设备检查. Please call the IT helpdesk for inquiries.*

Located in the Ozuna Library building, room 150, 学术学习工作室(ALS)是帕洛阿尔托学院信息技术服务部(IT)的一部分. The ALS is the largest computer lab on campus and open to the whole community! The ALS provides free IT services, economical printing, as well as a variety of basic tech-based workshops for students and non-students alike, and device checkouts are available to currently enrolled PAC students. 

Follow the ALS social media platforms for video tutorials, schedule of events, and other tech-related content.
Instagram: pac_als
Twitter: pac_itsupport
YouTube: PAC ITS 
AlamoExperience: Academic Learning Studio


Visit the Palo Alto College Library LibGuides


Student Services Support


Support at PAC


Technical Support for Distance Learning Students

Information Technology Services (ITS)

Palo Alto College Helpdesk

Phone: 210-486-3777 (select option 1)

Palo Alto College Information Technology Services (ITS)

Hours of Operation

8 a.m.–5 p.m.

Caller Checklist

When calling, please have the following information readily available:

  • Last four digits of SSN
  • Date of Birth
  • Banner ID

Alamo Colleges Helpdesk

Phone: 210-485-0555 (select option 4)
Toll Free: 866-493-3947

Hours of Operation

Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.–midnight
Saturday: 9 a.m.–9 p.m.
Sunday: 11 a.m.–midnight

Canvas Live Chat Support 

Canvas Support Live Chat (Links to an external site.)


Procedures to Protect the Privacy of Distance Learning Students

Identity Verification in Distance Learning Courses

在线课程的身份验证过程通过使用具有安全登录和学生创建的密码的安全门户来保护学生的隐私. 所有在线课程都托管在十大网赌正规网址官网区安全学习管理系统Canvas上. 教师可以在学习管理系统中发布作业和考试,以确保学生信息的隐私. In addition, BioSig-ID, a biometric enabling system, is used in all online courses.

十大网赌正规网址官网区还发给每个学生一个九位数的学生身份证号. 这个号码成为学生在学院整个学术历史中的唯一标识符. 


一些PAC在线课程要求学生来学校参加监考,以验证学生身份并保持考试的完整性.  所有PAC在线课程都需要生物特征签名验证,以便在完成在线作业或参加在线考试之前验证学生的身份.

Password Security



PAC学生需要使用十大网赌正规网址官网区电子邮件地址或课程学习管理系统中的通信功能与他们的在线教师进行通信.  This will ensure that all electronic communications with the instructor are secure. 

Faculty Responsibility

Faculty and staff understand and carry out a commitment to confidentiality, integrity, 和安全,以保护学生的隐私谁参加远程学习活动. Student records are kept private by the instructor, except in cases where academic staff or administration access the course, with legitimate educational interest under FERPA guidelines.

In order to maintain course security and protect student privacy, 未经授权,教职员工不得访问或试图访问其他员工或学生的帐户 Board Policy C.1.9 Appropriate Use of Information Technology.

Student Responsibility

In order to maintain confidentiality, 门户登录密码由学生生成,任何密码重置都是通过“秘密问题”协议完成的. It is the student’s responsibility to keep passwords confidential. See Student Code of Conduct Procedure F.4.2.1 and Board Policy C.1.9 Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources.

Only work submitted to open forums, like discussion boards, can be accessed by other students; other assignments, grades and correspondence are not viewable by other students.


Contact Information

Amanda Harrison 
Director of the Teaching & Learning Center
